For more than 25 years, it has been an honour and a joy to lead our School – to lead an educational institution which continually strives for excellence, values deep learning, and has relationships and integrity at its heart. We are strong and resilient, we are feminist and inclusive, we care deeply about issues and about each other.
Generations of parents and Old Girls have committed to making the School a better place. The Centenary Sports Hall was made possible by the generosity of parents in the 1990s, while the Old Girls’ community facilitated the purchase of St Peter’s Church, now the SCEGGS Great Hall. We have built the Barbara Chisholm Primary School; the Diana Bowman Performing Arts Centre; the Joan Freeman Arts, Science and Technology Centre; and renovated several other buildings.
We have also been working to expand our scholarship program to foster diversity in our community, demonstrating our egalitarian ethos and enacting our commitment to social justice in real ways. We now support 35 girls with means–tested scholarships (about half on partial scholarships and the other half on full scholarships) as a direct result of the generosity of the SCEGGS community since the fund was established in 2006.
As we reflect on our recent history, we see how much our community today has benefited from the generosity of those that have gone before us – parents, alumni and staff – but this will not sustain us moving forward.
We must continue to invest in SCEGGS to ensure our campus is able to deliver a 21st century learning environment for our girls and to invest in the values of diversity and inclusion that are so central to a SCEGGS education.
This is why our Light Her Path campaign is so important; it provides everyone in the community today an opportunity to give what they can, each in their own way, and to demonstrate our commitment to make our School an even better place into the future.
So, please consider how you can help out with this campaign.
To discuss any aspect of the Light Her Path Campaign or to request a hard copy of our brochure please call the SCEGGS Development Office on (02) 9332 1133.
We invite and hope every person in our community generously gives what they can .
Jenny Allum
Head of School