In these middle years of Primary School the girls are encouraged to adopt a more independent and in-depth approach to their learning. Concepts are explored in greater detail, and the girls are taught skills to allow them to think more critically and to apply their learning into real-world contexts.
The girls are guided and encouraged to take risks in their learning and to develop the understanding that challenge and persistence are important aspects of the learning process. This is also often a time of friendship changes, as the girls learn more about themselves as individuals.

Nurturing and support
In a nurturing and supportive environment, the girls are taught how to manage their friendships with confidence and integrity.
From Kindergarten through to Year 6 the girls will engage in learning in the following curriculum areas, many taught by teachers specialising in the subject; English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, History, Geography, Religious Education, PDHPE, Visual Arts, Music, Drama and French.