Leadership is an integral part of what makes SCEGGS girls unique.
Leadership skills are important for all students to develop, and these skills are taught and practised from Kindergarten.
Even our youngest girls will lead assemblies, and by Year 2 will conduct tours around the school for new students and their families. By Year 6 every girl takes on a leadership role as a member of their House Family, leading the rest of the Primary School in a number of events. We encourage all students in the Primary School to lead by example as stewards of the environment as a member of Enviro Girls, or to ensure the creation of a safe and welcoming community in Kindness Club.
When girls reach the Secondary School, there are many more opportunities to assume leadership roles such as:
- House Prefects, Prefects and House Committees
- Transport Seniors
- Form Captains and Vice Form Captains
- Peer Mentoring Program
- Student Representative Council
- Co-curricular Committee Captains
- Maailma, the Secondary Environmental Committee
- Student Wellbeing Committee
- Student Reconciliation Committee
- Amnesty group
- Year group charity committees
Individuals take on leadership as a service to the School Community and, in so doing, strive to uphold the values that are central to the School.