SCEGGS offers a number of different scholarships each year to encourage outstanding students in a range of areas and provide them with a stimulating and challenging educational environment.

Our goal is to prepare girls to be confident and articulate young women

Women are able to play a meaningful role in society. Scholarships cover full or part tuition and are designed to financially assist enthusiastic students to enjoy the benefits of the best possible education.


What scholarships are available?

Download an Overview of Scholarships at SCEGGS.


Looking for more detailed information?

The full details, including application forms and closing dates, about each of our current scholarships is available below:

Scholarships for 2026 entry are now open and will close in early February 2025.

Some of these scholarships are full scholarships, while others only cover part of the tuition fees. Many of our scholarships are means-tested and applicants will be asked to provide detailed family financial information as part of the application process.

These scholarships are one way we express the values of diversity, tolerance and social justice which are a central part of the school’s ethos.