Enrolment Policy

Offers by age at Application

SCEGGS is a non-selective school. To ensure parity, offers of a place at the school are now made based on a child’s age at the time of application. This applies to all applications for Kindergarten 2017, Year 3, 2020, Year 7, 2024 and all subsequent academic years.


  1. Applications for enrolment will only be accepted after the birth of a child.
  2. Applications must be on the official form and should be submitted, via mail or email, as soon as possible after birth with the Registration Fee of $300. This fee may be deferred for Old Girls of the school.
  3. Although we require a birth certificate to be submitted, this may be forwarded after the initial application.
  4. All applications will be placed in an Application Pool for the year of entry nominated. Families may only nominate one entry point. Our entry points are Kindergarten, Year 3 and Year 7.
  5. Application Pools will accrue registrations for 18 months, from 1 May until 1 November of the following year. Children who were 6 months old or younger (185 days old or less) when they applied will be considered for first round offers. Please note that due to the demand not all children under 6 months of age may be offered a place. If all places are not allocated in this first round of offers, a second round of offers will be conducted six months later, for children between 7 and 12 months old (186 to 365 days old) at the time they applied.
  6. Families may change Application Pools, but this will be made as of their daughter’s age at the time of this new request and not the age at original application.
  7. If an offer is made and not accepted, the application will be placed in our cancelled files unless the family request to be waitlisted.
  8. If an offer is accepted, families will be asked to confirm this through the payment of an Acceptance Fee (currently $1,250) within two weeks. This fee may be deferred for Old Girls of the school.
  9. Once an offer has been accepted into a particular entry point, this place is not transferable to another year of entry at any time.
  10. Eighteen months prior to entry families with definite places will be asked to pay a Final Entrance Fee (currently $5,000) to confirm they are sending their daughter to SCEGGS in that particular entry year. Old Girls of the school, with definite places, will be requested to pay the Registration, Acceptance and Entrance Fees at this time.


Effective August 2017
  1. Once all places have been allocated from the Application Pools waiting lists for each major entry point will commence.
  2. Families with a definite place may request their child be added to waiting lists for different years. This will be done as of the age of the child at the time of each request.
  3. Waiting lists will exist for our major entry points of Kindergarten, Year 3 and Year 7. Offers will be made by the child’s age at application from waiting lists, with the exception of current parents, who are given a priority on waiting lists.
  4. Any family not made an offer from the Application Pool will immediately be placed on the waiting list for their nominated entry point and any subsequent major entry point as of their daughter’s age at the time of their original application.
  5. Families who apply after the Application Pool process is complete will be automatically placed on the waiting list for the entry point they request and any subsequent entry points.
  6. Families may change waiting lists or request to be added to additional lists at any time, but this will be as of their daughter’s age at the time of the new request and not the age at original application.
  7. Should a family not accept an offer from a waiting list, their child’s name will be removed from that list. A refusal of an offer will not affect a child’s place on any other waiting list.
  8. Offers of places in non-entry point years will be made as casual vacancies arise by reviewing major entry point waiting lists.