SCEGGS is a non-selective K-12 Anglican Girls’ school. There are no special criteria for the offer of a place at the school. Our current entry years at SCEGGS are
Kindergarten, Year 3 and Year 7.
The Registrar’s Office is on hand to answer any questions you may have regarding the enrolment process, availablility of places and the School generally. You can contact the office on 02 9332 1133 or email The Registrar.
Email RegistrarEnquiries
How to Enrol
We encourage parents to enrol as soon as possible for entry to the school due to the demand for places. Our Prospectus and Application for Enrolment are also downloadable. Applications may be emailed to the school.
For students with a definite place, Orientations are held in August in the year before entry. This provides our new families and their daughters with the opportunity to meet other new girls and some of our present students and staff. During the Orientation all aspects of life at SCEGGS, both academic and co-curricular, are explained so girls do feel at home when they join us.
Application Form
Below is a copy of the SCEGGS Information Booklet and SCEGGS Enrolment Policy. The Application Form can be found in this booklet on the last four pages. If you wish to apply for a position for your daughter please fill this in and return to the school.
If you have a newborn baby it is not necessary to wait for a copy of the birth certificate. This can be forwarded later.