To mark the School’s 125th Birthday in 2020, we had planned to establish the 1895 Club The Club, specifically for Old Girls, was to celebrate the opening of the school in 1895 – 125 years of educating girls!
We are now ready to launch this initiative, and we invite Old Girls to become members by giving $1,895. In addition, if Old Girls pledge $1,895 per year for five years (total gift $9,475) they will be recognised as a Guiding Light – Guardian on the Donor Honour Board, currently being conceptualised by our architects. Gifts can be directed to either the Building Fund in support of Wilkinson House or the Scholarship Fund in support of the Diana Bowman Scholarship and/or indigenous scholarships.
Members of the 1895 Club will be invited to various school events and be recognised for their significant support for the school.

All Old Girls are invited to participate in this initiative, and we will be sending further information about this to Old Girls throughout the remainder of this year. There will also be various communications regarding the Light Her Path Campaign, sent via email and also in school publications. And we have a number of ambassadors who will be encouraging Old Girls to join the 1895 Club and contribute to the campaign. Please feel free to join us in encouraging all your contacts!
To become a member of the 1895 Club or request a hard copy of our brochure, please call the SCEGGS Development Office on (02) 9332-1133.