SCEGGS is, and always will be, about the girls!

Excellence in education
We aim for excellence in education, so our girls can be the very best they can. This means combining the best possible staff, with the most modern facilities in a socially and economically diverse environment. It is just a matter of paying for them!
SCEGGS has a long history of philanthropic support.
With a desperate need for an Anglican Girls’ School in Sydney but facing a funds shortage, the Anglican Diocese of Sydney coordinated a small committee of men and women who were assigned the task of setting up such a school – the women were given the task of raising funds and they managed to raise just enough to furnish the school and employ two staff. Additionally, a secret donor pledged enough rent for the first three years. This was the beginning of SCEGGS.
This culture of giving has continued to grow from strength to strength. Many may recall the financial crisis experienced by SCEGGS in the 1970s, which almost saw the School close. Had it not been for the dedicated Saving SCEGGS Committee and the philanthropic support of the SCEGGS community, the School would not have remained open.
Shining Light Program
Today the Shining Light Program has been developed to encompass all our fundraising programs and goals, allowing our philanthropic spirit to continue to shine. SCEGGS is fortunate to have so many parents, Old Girls and members of the wider community supporting our fundraising efforts to ensure we can continue to provide the best possible education for current and future girls.
In 2021, the SCEGGS Trust launched the Light Her Path campaign which will allow the school to redevelop Wilkinson House and expand our scholarship program.
For members of our SCEGGS community who may have a taxation liability in North America
SCEGGS Darlinghurst is a member of the Australian Independent Schools USA Foundation (AISUSA Foundation). Established in 2006, the AISUSA Foundation is a non-profit tax exempt 501(c)(3) corporation and complies with US regulations for charities. Members of our SCEGGS community who make gifts to the AISUSA Foundation may claim them as a deduction on their US income tax return. Canadians may also be able to offset US-based income on their Canadian tax return. The AISUSA Foundation, in turn, makes grants to Australian independent schools, such as SCEGGS, taking into consideration the nominated wishes of each donor.
To find out how to support SCEGGS through the AISUSA Foundation, contact the Development Office on +61 2 9332 1133.