We are grateful for all gifts given to SCEGGS.

Light Her Path

In 2021, the SCEGGS Trust launched the Light Her Path campaign which will allow the school to redevelop Wilkinson House and expand our scholarship program.

Through The Shining Light program, gifts and donations can also be made for several different purposes: 

The SCEGGS Trust Building Fund

Your gifts to this fund will enable SCEGGS to continue to provide flexible, well-designed, practical, contemporary, and exciting learning spaces for generations of SCEGGS girls.

Scholarship Fund (Including The Diana Bowman Scholarship)

Your gifts to this fund will enable SCEGGS to continue its strong commitment towards social justice and diversity by offering means-tested scholarships to girls in need.

Gifts to both the Scholarship Fund and the Building Fund are tax deductable and regardless of the amount, every gift ensures that SCEGGS remains an outstanding school and is greatly appreciated.


How can you donate?

Your gift can be made in several ways:

  • Online
  • Through our Gift Form
  • For community members who live in North America, click here
  • By mail: The SCEGGS Trust, SCEGGS Darlinghurst, 215 Forbes Street DARLINGHURST 2010
  • Contacting the Development Office on 02 9332 1133.