The words of the School Songs and the School Prayer are often requested by SCEGGS Alumni. Below are the words for each:
School Songs and Prayer
A Breeze from the Harbour Blowing
A breeze from the Harbour blowing
The Southern Cross on high,
A queenly city glowing
In the gold of a sunlit sky;
Praise on them all bestowing,
Raise we our joyful cry.
All our life before us,
Eager its joys to prove,
Hope shining o’er us
Bright as the skies above;
Swell, swell the chorus,
In praise of the School we love.
Here to the best we aspire,
Be it work with hand or brain,
We have learned, if we win, to aim higher,
If we lose, to press forward again;
And in all that we strive to desire,
The glory instead of the gain.
Not for us all to be clever –
All may be true and kind,
Faithful in high endeavour,
Each to the cause combined,
Holding aloft for ever
The lamp of a stainless mind.
Pain may be ours, or pleasure,
Yet through each future year,
Whether in toil or leisure,
Whether with smile or tear,
Still shall the memory treasure
Thoughts of our school days here.
Girls of the Grammar School
Girls of the Grammar School, girls old and new,
Gathered or parted all the world through,
Still to the motto that binds us keep true-
Luceat Lux Vestra.
Your lamp may light you to hard mental toil,
Your distaff reel with science’s great coil;
Often, maybe, you’ll burn youth’s midnight oil-
Luceat Lux Vestra.
Your lamp may kindle a glow warm and clear,
Light of the hearth and home, keep that light pure.
Kindle at that bright source lights far and near-
Luceat Lux Vestra.
You, whose lamp shines to us now from afar,
Bright, still and clear your light, e’en as a star;
Still you are joined to us – over the bar-
Luceat Lux Vestra.
Life-giving, far and near, our light is one
Pledge of our union through years yet to come;
Light from our God above, our risen Sun-
Luceat Lux Vestra.
Girls of the Grammar School, girls old and new,
Gathered or parted all the world through,
Still to the motto that binds us keep true-
Luceat Lux Vestra.
The School Prayer
O most merciful Father, look down upon this school, and bless us with all such blessings as are best for us. Give us purity of heart, meekness of spirit, and watchfulness of tongue, that in all our life and conduct we may show that we love Thee, and one another, in deed and in truth. May we fulfil all the duties of our daily life as in Thy sight. O Lord, be with us by day and by night, that our whole life may be Thine, and that, living unto Thee here, we may hereafter live with Thee in Thy glory: Through Jesus Christ our Lord