SCEGGS acknowledges the importance of good governance in all our undertakings. We aim to provide broad, comprehensive and modern governance of the school.
SCEGGS Darlinghurst Ltd
The School is owned and operated by SCEGGS Darlinghurst Limited, a company limited by guarantee. It has over 120 members. All adults within the SCEGGS community are eligible for membership including parents, Old Girls, staff, friends and benefactors.
The cost of a six-year membership is $100. This may be made in the form of a payment or donation. All members receive a copy of the Annual Report and may vote at the AGM. Applications for membership are sent to every person who donates to the voluntary Building Fund or the Trust.
If you wish to become a company member please contact the Company Secretary, Ms Bridget O’Brien, on (02) 9332 1133 or
The SCEGGS Darlinghurst Limited Constitution complies with the Corporations Act. It sets out the objects of the company and contains provisions about membership, general meetings, voting, the appointment and removal of directors, the powers and duties of directors, audits and accounts and many other matters.
Copies of the Constitution are available to the SCEGGS community.
Notice to members about their right to make choices in relation to how they receive company documents.
Please click here to read the Notice.
Role of the Board
The business of SCEGGS Darlinghurst Limited, (“the Company”), is managed by its Board of Directors.
The role of the Board of Directors is to determine and maintain the mission and vision of the School and set long-term strategic directions and governing policies whilst supporting the Head in enacting the mission, vision and strategy of the School.
The School Constitution provides that there will be no fewer than three and no more than twelve directors unless the Company, in a general meeting by special resolution, changes the maximum number. Generally there are 12 Directors on the Board.
The constitution requires that the Board comprise nominees from:
- The Company itself
- The SCEGGS Old Girls’ Union
- The Sydney Diocese of the Anglican Church
The Company has elected six members of the Board. They are all parents or past parents of SCEGGS girls. At each AGM one third of the Directors elected by the members of the Company retire from office. They are eligible for re-election.
Two members of the Board are nominees of the Old Girls’ Union and four are nominees of the Diocese. The Constitution contains provisions for their appointment and removal.
Board Members
Dr Sally Auld
BEc (Hons), DPhil, GAICD
Sally is the Chief Investment Officer at JBWere. Previously, she was Managing Director, Chief Economist and Head of Fixed Income and Foreign Exchange Strategy at J.P. Morgan Australia and New Zealand.
Sally is a highly regarded financial markets professional, recognised for her thought leadership on economic cycles, asset allocation and financial markets. She is a member of the Grattan Institute Public Policy Committee, the RBA Shadow Board and she also sits on the Finance and Investment Committee of the Children’s Medical Research Institute. Sally has two daughters at SCEGGS and has been Chair of the SCEGGS Darlinghurst Limited Board since 2022. She is a Company nominee to the Board.
Board Members
Mr Alan Docherty
BAcc (Glasgow), Member ICAS
Alan is the Chief Financial Officer of the Commonwealth Bank, having served in that position since 2018. He has a Bachelor of Accounting degree from the University of Glasgow, and is a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland. Alan currently has two daughters at SCEGGS and is a Company nominee to the Board.
Rev Dr Daniel Dries
The Reverend Dr Daniel Dries is the eleventh Rector of Christ Church St Laurence in Haymarket, Sydney. He was ordained in the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle (NSW) and has served in a number of parishes in that Diocese, including Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle. Daniel was inducted as Rector of Christ Church St Laurence early in 2013. Prior to his ordination, Daniel pursued a career as a professional musician and teacher, including holding the position of Head of Music at SCEGGS from 2002-2005. Daniel is a father to two teenage daughters and is a Diocesan nominee on the Board.
Mrs Katherine Grace
BA (Hons), LLB (Hons), MPP, GAICD
Katherine is currently responsible for the legal and risk governance functions at a large ASX organisation. She has practised as a solicitor for over 20 years with extensive experience in corporate, property, debt and capital markets transactions working with a wide range of stakeholders. Katherine also has experience in the education sector having served as a director of the NSW Education Standards Authority for several years. Katherine has three daughters at the school. Katherine is a Company nominee to the Board.
Ms Quanchai Keller
Quanchai is a senior executive with over 20 years of experience in the financial services sector. She is currently the Wealth Program Director at ClearView with accountability for key strategic programs of work. Previously, she held general management roles at Allianz Australia and recently worked with Life Insurance industry leaders to establish the Council of Australian Life Insurers. Quanchai’s experience spans strategy, governance, distribution, data and analytics, innovation, acquisitions, and operating model design. She holds an Executive MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Quanchai is an OGU nominee to the Board.
Dr Jeff Ling
Jeff is an Orthopaedic Surgeon at The Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick, and the Prince of Wales Hospital, where he treats children and adults respectively. He is involved in the education and mentorship of medical students, and trainee doctors, and holds the roles of Director of Orthopaedic Training at Sydney Children’s Hospital, and Trainee Supervisor at Prince of Wales Hospital. He has held governance roles on various hospital committees, and serves currently as the Secretary of the Australian Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society. Jeff is a Conjoint Senior Lecturer in the School of Medicine, at the University of New South Wales, and a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons. Jeff has a daughter at the school, and he and his wife are members of St. Luke’s Anglican Church, Clovelly. Jeff is a Diocesan nominee to the Board.
Mr Ian Narev
BA, LLB (Hons), LLM
Ian Narev is the Chief Executive Officer of SEEK. Prior to joining SEEK he spent 11 years at Commonwealth Bank of Australia, where he was the Chief Executive Officer from 2011 until 2018, and nine years at McKinsey & Company, where he was a partner. Ian is the Chair of Sydney Theatre Company, the Chair of the Advisory Board of the Gonski Institute of Education at UNSW, and the Chair and co-founder of Springboard Trust, which works with school principals in New Zealand. Ian is a Company nominee to the Board.
Mr Paul Oppenheim
BCom, ACA, F Fin
Paul is a co-founder of Plenary and was the initial CEO from 2004 until 2019. Plenary is an independent sponsor, investor and manager of public infrastructure. Prior to Plenary, Paul had a career in chartered accounting and investment banking. Paul is a member of the Advisory Council for the University of Wollongong SMART Infrastructure Facility and is on the Belvoir Theatre board. Paul has two daughters who are SCEGGS Old Girls. Paul is a Company nominee to the Board.
Ms Mandy Tibbey
BJuris, LLB, LLM, Grad Cert Management
Mandy has practised as a barrister at the NSW Bar since 2004 and prior to that as a solicitor. She works in the areas of equity and commercial law, appearing in all courts but particularly the Supreme Court of NSW. She is also a part-time Senior Legal Member of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal, nationally accredited Mediator, representative of the Diocese of Sydney to the NSW Ecumenical Council Executive, Chancellor of Riverina Diocese of the Anglican Church of Australia, Member of the Church Law Commission of the Anglican Church of Australia and Director of the Anglican Representative (National Redress Scheme) Limited. She is also a Member of the NSW Bar’s Equality and Diversity Committee and the Advisory Board of the Francis Forbes Society for Australian Legal History. Mandy worships at St Luke’s Enmore and is a Diocesan nominee to the Board.
Ms Gillian Wood
BA(Hons), GradDipInfMgmt, GradDipPA
Gillian is currently the Director of Information Management at the NSW Department of Finance, Services and Innovation. A highly experienced senior public servant, her background in IT has been focused on the use of digital content, and innovation in technology supporting new working practices. She is passionate about encouraging more women to work in higher levels in IT. An Old Girl of SCEGGS, she is a Diocesan nominee on the Board.